
Monday 4 August 2014

Ted Baker Makeup

So, I had put a load of stuff in this Ted Baker box my dad got me for Christmas, and it's not until now...8 months later that I remembered it came with a load of make up which I had put in the draw underneath! What an idiot, but what a treat to find! 
On Sunday evening we went to the theater and I wanted to create a soft look, and these products fitted the bill perfectly. I chose the mascara, eyeshadow and lipgloss stick.

As it was pretty hot I didn't bother with foundation but used a bit of Smashbox Photo Finish primer across my nose and cheeks instead, and put a smudge of eyeliner in the outer corners. 
The eyeshadow comes with a brush attached to the screw top which makes it easy to apply. It's a loose powder so make sure you have a bit of tissue, or loose powder at the ready to sweep away any mess! It gave a mice shimmery effect and a touch of colour.

Now, I was a bit dubious about the mascara- I know what I like, and that's a bit fat brush that piles it on! The wand for this was plasticy with tiny bristles, but as you can see it really separated my lashes and lengthened them too. Impressed!

The colour is a lot glossier than I thought it would be from this stick, still not sure of that's good or bad! And the colour didn't last that long, although it's easier enough to carry round with you. You wins it up at the bottom to give yourself more when it runs down.

So I liked useing the Ted Baker stuff and will be moving it from the box in to my makeup bag, where it should have gone straight after Christmas!!